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May 14, 2024
Spring in Caledonia from caledonia quilter

 Spring is crazy around here. (You'd have to live under a rock to not be aware that I like to garden.)  My body has been talking quite loudly: "Lady - what the fark do you think you're doing??? You sat on your ass all winter watching tv. I can't do this stuff - and if you make me, you're gonna pay!"

And yes, I'm hurting. Bursitis in my shoulder, an awful knot in my shoulder blade, golfer's elbow, and a bad knee. Oh, and whatever is wrong with my neck, that I woke up with yesterday ...

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May 31, 2023
It's 31.4c in the shade from caledonia quilter

So, yeah.  This is not where I am.  It's where I WAS on the weekend - up to visit my friend Margaret in the Kawarthas.

We went to the Lindsay quilt show one day, ate too much every day, hung around the dining table gossiping catching up, and of course sewing.  I got this stitched together - it will be the center of my version of the guild Block of the Month.

Here is the whole quilt, made by my Program partner.  I donated the quilting. The guild will give this to Glanbrook Community Services to assist in their fundraising efforts ...

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May 15, 2023
Asparagus & The Cost of Groceries, and the Current Quilt from caledonia quilter


I'm currently at the beginning of a couple months where I will pick asparagus every day.

This week I've made:
GREEN CURRY CHICKEN WITH ASPARAGUS  DH and I don't find it hot, but if you're not used to cooking with a curry paste you may have a different experience.

ASPARAGUS & CHEDDAR QUICHE (this freezes quite nicely, and I use a homemade pie crust).

I have to admit to being SHOCKED when I saw this...

Holy Mackerel!  $7.99???  I had to employ my mental coping technique of adding an imaginary question mark.  

Apparently this will ...

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June 4, 2022
Two Pretties from May, and life-in-general from caledonia quilter

 Here's a gorgeous, soft & gentle quilt made by Margaret (of the Kawartha Margarets

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May 22, 2021
Focus Print Quilts, Medallion Quilt, & Gardening from caledonia quilter

These are the BEST quickie type of quilt.  Choose some gorgeous fabrics and add a border or two.

They make lovely lap quilts, sofa throws, bed coverlets, or tablecloths.

 I studied this one at great length.  I've never made a medallion quilt even though I've been quilting for 25 years.

It looks pretty straightforward, with large piecing.  I'm definitely giving this a go...

Gardening...I've been eating fresh kale, that lived over the winter.  The crazy thing is, it showed up all by itself last year - I didn't plant it.  Sometimes it pays to be ...

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April 18, 2021
Elephants & Gardening & More Covid (and a little stupid humour) from caledonia quilter

 This elephant was great to work on.

All ruler work, as you can see, except for a few bits of tusks & toes, a wrinkly nose, and a shaggy tail.

This was pieced by the same gal who did this Unicorn quilt.

It made me think of the crazy elephant jokes we heard on our honeymoon, from another honeymooning couple at Blue Mountain.


After crabbing about mending hubby's pants a few weeks ago, the Universe decided to even the score.

Uh huh.  These are MY pants.  Sigh.

I decided to get all girly with my repair.

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March 30, 2021
Fresh Tastes for Spring from From My Carolina Home

Warmer days bring a yearning for fresh foods on the lighter side. With Easter this coming weekend, ham might be on your menu as well as mine. I enjoy creating new recipes, and a few fit this season nicely. My Summer Chilled Corn Crab Soup makes a wonderful first course for a holiday meal, or a great lunch on a warm day. My Sweet Babboo says it is tasty served hot as well. Just click on the link for the post with the recipe pdf.

My Summer Squash Casserole is a nice change for your holiday meal and goes great ...

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