This is my Wednesday project
when I meet up with my local quilt group:
This is my Wednesday project
when I meet up with my local quilt group:
The ground is starting to get that in between seasons look...grimy snowbanks and patches of old grass showing through here and there. Freezing temps overnight still and it was -14C here yesterday morning for a windy walk with Ned. They keep promising warm ups that don't happen. I gave my Geranium a deep trim-all my plants are getting a little "leggy" as they reach for the precious light. You can glimpse our snow free gravel driveway here so the sun is working it's magic even if the air is cold. Yah!
March is Ambassador's Choice.
March brings a free month for you to determine your own project of any size, using any theme and any technique!! This is an opportunity for you to express your creativity without guidelines. Have fun!
Here is my response.
Dreaming of Daylilies |
Designed in EQ8, and made with Poetic Bouquet collection, it is a combination of Irish Chain blocks and appliqued Daisy blocks.
This is a lovely collection with beautiful gradations in purples and aquas. I wanted to show off these value gradations in the design.
EQ8 Mock-up |
Value Gradations |
The petals are lightest in ...
This is the second block in the year-long BOM I’m doing through my local quilt shop. It’s by Riley Blake and is all done in the hoop with machine embroidery and machine embroidered appliqué. I must say that, though this isn’t a style that usually appeals to me, I do think the finished quilt will […]
read moreFrom reading blogs, I'm quickly realizing I'm not the only one thinking February flew by. The weather outside my windows is back to frightful so nothing is indicating a new spring like month. Here March is an in between month anyway and can go either way, keep us snowbound or bring on rain and melting. Weather is not that important to me. I would never move somewhere just for weather though I might avoid some areas because of the kind of weather they have. I don't think I'd do well where there is high humidity a ...
read moreI've just made myself a nice decaf coffee with frothed milk made from sweetened almond milk. I think of this as a tiny treat- this time after picking up a load of sticks to use as fire starters while walking Ned. Toting the bag and with Ned on the leash made the going a little rougher especially as our trails are still not flattened. A good little workout though. The cute appliqued bear placemats were found at the thrift store, still in their original ( I thought) box, which was quite crushed, but they were completely unharmed. Finding such makes ...
read moreI recently Crochet this Emotional Support Chicken from The Knitting Tree for my Neighbour who keeps Chickens.
The Pattern is also available on Etsy
And Ravelry
You can also buy Knitted versions.
I used a Chunky yarn and it made a life sized Chicken.
She's quite Splendid. Just the right size to cuddle.
Some close up pictures. Top Left the Chicken I Appliquéd onto A Canvas Bag.
Bottom Right the Chicken I Appliquéd onto A Gift Card.
I had so much fun making all these. The Chicken took less than a week to Crochet.
The ...
Is it just me, or is this month flying?
No fabric in this week. The fabric declutter resulted in several yards going into donation bags. I still have a lot of fabric to sort through.
I finished the applique on the heart block. I’m auditioning colors for the motif under the hearts and deciding if I want to add beads or not.
I used Sulky 12 wt cotton floss on two of the hearts and Weeks Dye Works floss on the third. The pink fabrics came from the scrap bins. The heart blocks will all come from stash.
Fabric ...
read moreThe dig out from the back to back snow storms that dumped almost 18 inches of snow here was fierce. Here is Ned's path out the back...he needed encouragement to give it a go.
Hello Everyone,
I spent Monday in the classroom with the quilters from the Independence Hall quilt guild. I taught them how to applique little pumpkins.
By the end of the class there were pumpkins 'growing' on everyone's workspace.
I have made more single bed quilts than queen or king size, but I don’t do rectangular quilt designs … well, not very often.
In this project file there are designs suitable for single, king single beds, something to throw over the lounge … or perhaps table cloths and wall hangings. I should do it more often.
I love the second design!
No fabric in this week.
The sewing room declutter continues. Last year I let go of lots of fabric scraps, but this year I’m ready to part with some yardage. I’ve only gone through one drawer so far. There are several more drawers to go.
I spent most of this week working on a second heart block. The three hearts are an adaption of a motif in a book. It isn’t clear in the picture, but there is a design under the hearts that I plan to embroider.
Here’s a picture of the first block.
I ...
read moreEvery time I open this file I see old fashioned blocks in old fashion quilt designs, but I love old fashioned stuff. The cupboard which hold up our TV was made from timber used in a crate used when household goods were shipped to Australia from England in the late 18oos. It still has a bit of a lean to fit the dirt floor of the kitchen of the house I grew up in.
The lino floor covering I found in a kitchen drawer in the 1970s house we now live in is possibly a hundred years younger than that ...
After not having done a BOM in years, I’m suddenly doing two! I saw an adorable quilt at my LQS, made with small blocks in machine embroidered appliqué. It’s not a style I’d usually choose, but somehow I couldn’t pass this one up. We’ll be purchasing the supplies for one block each month, though we […]