Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

June 21, 2021
A tribute to Lois from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 I don't know all of you who read my blog. There are many of you that I've never met, and some friends and acquaintances have joined along the way. 

Yesterday, I learned that a blog reader passed last week, and I want to acknowledge her. Lois was a wonderful lady and her and her daughter used to read my blog over breakfast. She was the most amazing hand quilter, although she did take a machine quilting class from me and did some small projects. She was in her 80's when she did that. She was in my ...

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June 8, 2021
More fingers and toes from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Yesterday was Monday sewing which is always a highlight of the week. We accomplish so much and solve all the world's problems.

It's also where we share good times and not-so-good times. Well, we had a great celebration yesterday as Helen Anne delivered the news that our province is starting Step 1 on Friday - three days ahead of schedule. That means a beer on the patio!!! Was I excited? Oh, that's not the word for it! I'm ecstatic!!! 

The only question now will be how busy it is going to be? There are still people that ...

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June 1, 2021
Open the flood gates from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's done! I completed the LAST of those Snail's Trail blocks during Monday Sewing! Yeah!! There was a total of fifty-three 2 ½" units to make. That was a LOT of cutting and a lot of fussing, especially since most of it was done as an ender and leader. It doesn't matter - they are done. 

Five of them went on the bottom of the beach house block. This will make a cute little wall hanging. I have several small projects that need quilting. I'm leaving them on the sewing table so I can just GET THEM ...

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May 30, 2021
I have sewing tools and I know how to use them from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Oh my gosh -- you guys are the best!!! There are times when I think I live in a vacuum waiting to be rescued by you all!! I will NOT be buying a new rain jacket - I just need to find some waterproofing stuff. So that's on the list of things to track down. See how those errands accumulate!! I can barely keep above the water on the errands, but I did manage to get a few off the list yesterday. You know how it is - one errand leads to another and so on. 

We have some house repairs that ...

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May 23, 2021
Slow and steady wins the race......... from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Oh my -- I couldn't believe my ears yesterday. I was asked if I would teach Long Time Gone AGAIN!! And I said YES. We won't start until January- well, I need to talk to Sue - perhaps we'll start it in the fall along with the others. So if you missed it the first time or PERHAPS you were in the original class and didn't get started - here's your FINAL chance to get it done!!!! 

Yes -- that's what we should do. I'm not sure how many projects to teach next year - but definitely not ...

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May 16, 2021
A teaching moment from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 What kind of a student are you? Are you the one that sits in the back, takes notes (or not), and then never does anything with the material? Are you the one in the front that EVERYONE wants to shut up so they can get out of the class? ( I LOVE these students, and I'm one of them) You could also be the one who sits in the middle, says nothing, absorbs lots, and goes home to review the material and plays, but never asks questions!! And there's are loads of other types in between.

Well, there are ...

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May 15, 2021
The Design Wall for Quilter's - Part Two from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 A design wall is a CRITICAL part of a quilt studio. Why? You can't really appreciate what your quilt will look like, how the fabrics behave together, whether the values and colors work together without standing back and have a good long look. I've been known to throw stuff on the wall and then sit on a chair and just look. I would not be happy without my design wall. I'm working on my UFO, and here's what it looks like. 

I got all the rows stitched together for this quilt top. Now it was decision ...

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May 14, 2021
Why you NEED a design wall...... from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Thank goodness, my foot is fine. Holy -- that hurt a LOT yesterday - well, just in the morning. It doesn't seem to be bruised. Well, the color of your feet/toes is so bizarre anyway that how can you tell if there's a bruise? It's a bit red, but it seems to be fine! I'm a bit apprehensive, though - I don't want to bang it again. The bad sewing machine got moved out of the way, as I should have done the day before!

I accomplished a few things in the morning on the computer. The ...

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May 11, 2021
All in a Row show and tell from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


It was a pretty intense day - Monday sewing, walking, prepping for a class, and then presenting the class. BUT all is good. Another busy day today, but things are prepped - well, a wee bit more tweaking, but I'm ready!

OK -- I know - you're all waiting to hear how I made out with those darn pineapple blocks. LOOK!!!

The four pineapple blocks

They are DONE!!! And now ALL the blocks for this quilt are done!! I'm shocked - this would never have happened years ago, and it would have become a UFO. It's such a motivating group!!!! I ...

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May 7, 2021
How would you quilt that? from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I don't know that what I did to my Long Time Gone was worth the effort. It's been like a monkey on my back since I started. However, I'm happy that I've done it. And I bet that NO ONE will be able to see what I did. But that's OK. Here's the good news - Sections 1, 2, and 3 are back together. And Section 6 is now completely fixed. Section 5 is almost ready for the final sewing together. That one was easy since I hadn't sewn it completely together. 

I should ...

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April 25, 2021
Virtual Retreat from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


Looking at my memories on Facebook, one year ago, yesterday was my FIRST class on ZOOM. Oh boy -- what I didn't know when I started and now look! I was on Zoom for most of yesterday! Who knew that was going to happen and that Zoom would become our lifeline (so to speak!). And HEY - my hair is getting so long. 

There are so many ideas for classes and demos; there just isn't enough time to run them all. As long as people keep signing up, I'll keep running them. I have a stack of ideas, and ...

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April 24, 2021
Urbanologie show and tell from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


I'm happy to report that I'm right on track for today after yesterday's marathon sewing and two presentations. I have two classes and a demo. The presentations for the two classes are done. The photos for the demo are taken and just need to be loaded into a presentation. Phew -- who knew all that could happen in a day! I'm looking forward to the virtual retreat tonight.

BUT a bad thing happened. Very bad. And I must remember - FOCUS - FOCUS - FOCUS!!!

So, you know that I have UFOs tucked all over the place - well, mostly in ...

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April 18, 2021
Google is everywhere from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


I had such a great day yesterday! I felt like I could tackle the world, and while I didn't solve any global issues, I accomplished loads! Had some great conversations with the Long Time Gone class, and well - it was a great day! Let's see what happened. 

Oh, first - I want to share some walking stuff. Here's the thing about the virtual challenges -- I'm learning TONS about the geography in the areas in which I walk. I'm currently walking the Appalachian Trail, which goes through the mountains along the eastern part of the United States ...

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April 16, 2021
Ouch! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 I was off bright and early to see the chiro yesterday morning. I love this guy (well - sort of!). He's not the kind that gets his patients in line and makes a quick adjustment, and you're gone. Oh no - I hardly get any adjustments - he's working on my tight muscles. Since he has released some of the pressure in my low back, my knee is so much better. However, he played around with my knee yesterday, and did you know how many muscles there are in your knee? And did anyone ever manipulate those muscles? Let's ...

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April 15, 2021
What's the password? from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Yesterday was supposed to be a carefree day. One presentation with the rest of the day free. Well, it didn't go so well. 

I know that I need to be more relaxed about computers, but I was so frustrated that I was ready to toss my laptop in the pond! 

You see, I have a program that wouldn't open last week. I clicked, and nothing. Well, I got an error message that it couldn't open. OK - so let's try to delete and reinstall. That didn't work - I got a different error message telling me that ...

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April 13, 2021
» Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


OH -- thanks to Heidi - I just downloaded a new app (well, new to me) to my phone. It's called LibraryThing and allows you to catalog your books. I know there are other apps, and I do keep lists of books that I've read in another database, but I didn't want to type in authors, etc. This allows me to scan the bar code and go from there. I'm going to try it! 

At the same time, it would be great if I could sort some of those books into categories! It would make it a whole ...

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Snail's Trails from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Another great day! Although, I was so keyed up that I couldn't fall asleep last night! Grrr!!

I know you're all wondering if I got that quilt quilted. Don't forget that I was still piecing the darn thing in the morning. Let's see what else I have to share with you first. 

Thank goodness for rain gear. I didn't think it was raining very hard when I left the house to walk the girls, but when I was finished, I was wet. My pants were wet, so it was a PJ pant day! Yeah!! I ...

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April 11, 2021
My walk in the woods from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Another brain fart yesterday! Ronda was chatting about a recent Netflix show she watched on the US's justice (or lack thereof) system. Oh yes --- I know the story -- I just read the book. Then I proceeded to mix up TWO stories that I had recently read! Good grief! At least I remembered both stories! Oh well - we all have days like that. It doesn't change the fact that there are horrific stories about injustice and not just in one geographic location and not just against one cultural group. It's quite sad that someone's position or political ...

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April 8, 2021
Celebrate EVERY success from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 I'm happy to report that although I didn't get as much done as I would have liked yesterday, it was an AWESOME day! Too much time on the phone - but I won't go there!

Here's something that we need to be very conscious of, and trust me - it's hard to grasp this concept. I'd say that quilters are extremely caught up in this, and it's why we have so many UFOs. 

The other day, I saw an acquaintance post a picture on Social media - she has already cycled just over 2,000 KM ...

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April 6, 2021
A bird's eye view from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


I'm positively in chill-out mode. OK -- so I'm not up to date on everything - still three more documents to write up, two quilts that need to be quilted, and well - that's it. OK - so there are two small quilt projects that I'd like to work on. But seriously?? I'm in control! The studio is pretty much organized; there's NOTHING on the calendar starting tomorrow for FIVE entire days. Oh my -- what am I going to do with myself? 

It's going to be a glorious day - weather-wise and well - we need to get this ...

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