I didn't use my serger on these. I did make them with French seams so they are very tidy.
It was a good afternoon project. These fold up very nicely to tuck into your bag when going to the store. I've always got one in my bag.
Last year was a kind of blur. It started out normal but quickly changed into the year from hell. I hated being away from my family and my sewing/quilting peeps. Both of my guilds, Eastern Long Island Quilt Guild and Long Island Modern Quilt Guild, stopped in person meetings as of March. In June, our Tuesday night North Fork Quilters group decided to meet out in the parking lot of the rec center we normally met in. We were all so happy to actually see each other. Eventually both guilds transitioned to Zoom meetings but it wasn't the ...
read more“The Best made plans of mice and men…” No matter how carefully 2020 was planned, something may still go wrong with it, and it did. 2020 happened. At the beginning of 2020 there was so many awesome plans, of what we were going to do in the community, in the Church and with outreach. Personally, things were looking up, work was going great for change, we were expecting a raise and a bonus. My family was doing well, everyone had a job, everyone was healthy. But things did not go according to plan. For all of us, plans changed, and ...
read moreIch blogge seit 9 Jahren und somit schreibe ich seit 9 Jahren über meine Quilts und sonstigen genähten Dinge. 9 Jahre - das hat mich gerade sehr beeindruckt! In den letzten Jahren habe ich in einem Rückblick das Jahr Revue passieren lassen. Das war für mich immer interessant. Und deshalb mache ich das auch in diesem Jahr wieder.
In diesem Jahr 2020 gab es wieder einige Quilt Alongs, einige Aktionen der Modern Cologne Quilters und dann gab es Corona und damit noch mehr Zeit für Quilts...was für ein Jahr!
Wie so viele andere haben wir Quilter unsere Kontakte kurzerhand im ...
read more My last finished quilt of 2020 is called Safari Tango. It might be the first true double-sided quilt I've ever made. The front was started in an online (Zoom) workshop with Diane Harris, The Stash Bandit, hosted by Ninigret Quilters. She calls her pattern Twofer Tango because you could get two quilts from your effort. The half square triangle units are bonus blocks from the creation of the main X-blocks. I chose to add mine around the border instead of harboring yet another UFO!
We're having a very windy day, here in Murrieta. It made taking quilt photos a challenge, but I got it done!
May your bobbins always be full,read more
Happy New Year!
read moreIt's become a tradition for me to share my top five blog posts of the year. This year the trend is all about community: monthly linkups I've hosted, a challenge I participated in, and a blog hop about holiday traditions. Seems fitting that 2020 would be focused on connecting with others. Incidentally, if you haven't already linked up a project to this month's Show Me Something... hop on over and Show Me Something That's a Gift! (You've probably delivered those gifts by now, right?)
Top Five 2020 Posts
read moreHappy, merry, joyous holiday!
Not that I needed to find another task, especially at this time of year. But I did!The Closet AreaI made a plan to complete the inside of the closet area. Bought all the stuff and moved all the miscellaneous boxes of stuff out of the closet space to hang the uprights. This closet is...to read more go to www.ihaveanotion.com/blog
read moreWant more information about circular sock knitting machines, tools, and attachments? I ...